Your story matters
Prepare to Share Stories from Your Life
Where to start?
Think about the events leading up to the experiences you want to share. The questions in the guide will help you reflect on your experiences.
Guide to Prepare to Share
Think about the circumstances of your life at that time. For example, were you working or in school? Where did you live. What was your family and social life like?
What events took place that impacted you physically, emotionally, socially, mentally and/or spiritually? Who was involved in those events and what was their role?
How did the circumstances in your life, and the events that impacted you, affect your beliefs about yourself and the world around you? How did you cope?
Did you have a support system, and if not, what support system do you wish you would have had?
As you reflect on these experiences, what growth has come about?
When did you start feeling relief from your challenges? What did you hope for then? What do you hope for now?
Were there any miracles along the way?
What’s changed?
Take note of how your perspective about yourself, your experiences, and the world around you has changed over time.